
Chair Person: 後藤 敏
E-mail:goto (at) waseda.jp

ViceChair Person: 村尾 健次 宮崎大学
E-mail:murao (at) cc.miyazaki-u.ac.jp

Secretary/Treasurer: 木村 晋二 早稲田大学
E-mail:shinji_kimura (at) waseda.jp


June 28, 2007 IEEE CAS Fukuoka Chapter Technical Meeting

講演題目 Graph Embedding while Preserving Pairwise Distances
講師 浅野 哲夫(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)
開催場所 早稲田大学 情報生産システム研究科 S101講義室 (北九州市若松区ひびきの2-7)
日時 2007年6月28日(木) 9:00 - 10:30
内容梗概 In this talk we consider a distance preserving graph embedding problem: Given a weighted graph, embed vertices into points in $d$-space so that for each edge the distance between their corresponding endpoints is as close as the weight for the edge. We first prove NP-hardness of the problem. A good news is that if a given graph is complete and there is an exact embedding of the graph then we can find such an embedding in polynomial time using an existing algorithm known as Principal Coordinate Analysis. A serious disadvantage is its quadratic space requirement. In this talk we develop a linear-space algorithm for distance preserving graph embedding.? A key idea is to partition a set of $n$ objects into disjoint subsets (clusters) of size $O(\sqrt{n})$ so that the minimum intercluster distances is maximized among all possible such partitions. Some special cases are also examined.

June 30, 2007 IEEE CAS Fukuoka Chapter Technical Meeting

講演題目 Ubiquitous Society : Ubiquitous Society and its value creation
講師 並木 淳治(東海大学専門職大学院 組み込み技術研究科 教授)
開催場所     早稲田大学 情報生産システム研究科 S104講義室 (北九州市若松区ひびきの2-7)    
日時 2007年6月30日(土) 10:40 - 12:10
内容梗概 Several years have passed since “ Ubiquitous “ came out as a hot topic in the government main plan. Main research area has been changing from fundamental technologies such as devices and individual functions to the service integration . Huge information individually gathered by ubiquitous devices can create emerging value we had never seen. Knowledge computing is the most useful and positive step. On the other hand , network infrastructure by which many ubiquitous devices are connected each other is changing from legacy one to “next generation network ( NGN)”. My talk will touch on present state and future plan for the ubiquitous society.